Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Where's My Dining Room?

We sat and ate dinner last night and the phone rang. Wrestling practice was cancelled do to the ice.  I saw the light bulb over Carlos' head go off. He said...I can move the table and put the mat down here in the dining room. We had a few pieces of mat that they were throwing out from the community center, so the furniture moved out to the living room and foyer....and the mat moved in. We have a mat in the garage, but first it's cold out there and second it's slightly covered right now. Jacob & Alex thought it was a great idea. Champ was banned from the mat, so I'm not sure he liked the idea.

There isn't any practice again tonight, so the next question I got was...Do you want me to put everything back tonight. They were already planning a day of wrestling if school was cancelled today. (We just got the call....It's Cancelled) 

For those of you who don't know, Carlos wants to convert the garage to a gym. After last night it can't come soon enough. Get Off Your Knees, Elbow Deep, Peterson, Focus, Wizard, Shoot with your eyes open. I think he said the same thing 100 times each.  I also had to burn a candle because it began to smell like a wrestling room. I think they are just immune to the smell.  : )

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Tightey Whitey Man

Jacob & Alex with two of their friends, Blake & Stephen were crazy busy making movies over the break. Jacob has always loved the video camera and has now discovered iMovie on his Dad's iMAC. Gotta love Apple. Needless to say he made two movies with all his downloaded files and then it needs a DVD case and label to look real. I didn't help design it, just showed him how the program works. It's really hard being a designer and letting your child develop their own pieces without giving any art direction. But I just gave technical support no art direction.

Tightey Whitey Man apparently is based off of a comic that Blake and Alex are creating in class. Now he is coming to life in a original J.A.B.S. PRODUCTION (short for Jacob, Alex, Blake & Stephen Production). I thought it was clever, but I'm his Mom.

Tightey Whitey Man...coming soon to a computer near you! : )

Happy New Year!

It's been some time since my last post. I think I was taking a vacation within my vacation. We had a great holiday and we survived having a puppy throughout the holidays. A little crazy but I keep telling myself that things can only get better from here.

For those of you who have not seen or read "Marly & Me", I strongly suggest it, if you have a dog or have ever had a dog. The day after we saw the movie our Christmas Tree went crashing to the ground. I then started to think how easy it would be to develop a story or a comic strip based on my crazy household with a dog.

I'm attaching a video that displays Champ's typical craziness. This can be a daily ritual no matter how many walks he goes on. But on Saturday morning he started doing his crazy running  and around the bottom of the tree he went, only when he came out the string of lights was wrapped around his neck and what felt like slow motion the tree came crashing to the ground. Then it was a mad dash to pick up the ornaments before they became the morning snack. We lost a feathered angel in the commotion. 

He also discovered the tub, the hamster & snow.