It's Football Season, and as many of you know this is our first season with kids playing. I have to say that with each sport the kids have played its brought a diverse set of parents along with it. But out of all the sports I think football brings the CRAZIEST parents yet.
(Of course we are perfectly normal, its just the rest of them that are insane). Apparently there is a big rivalry between our team and another township team. Not another district, just another township. These are kids that in two more years will be playing for the same team on a middle school level. Call me crazy but should we be building a rivalry here? I think we were among a few of the parents who didn't where our GREEN. They actually sent home a flyer with the kids, for the parents to where their GREEN. I personally didn't care since it was pouring and my only concern was trying to keep my socks and underwear dry. Carlos told me if they stayed dry, I was good to go.
(Must be an army trick). He was smart he wore flip flops, so he only needed to be concerned with his underwear.
The cheerleaders are each assigned a football player and are responsible for decorating the door/house whatever they feel like. We had two girls visit our house with balloons and signs in hand. They did a nice job for the boys, but I sure am glad I have boys!!!!
I'm posting a really poor picture of the game, it is pouring but the picture didn't capture the "liquid sunshine" (as the announcer said) that dumped on top of us. I should have taken a picture of how happy I was!
I also posted our pre-game weeny roast. It was more of a smoke fest since it was drizzling the majority of the time. I think today is the first day that my hair doesn't smell like smoke. But we promised a weeny roast and I think that was probably the last. ; )