If this tree could talk it would have many stories to tell about children's idle time. We planted this tree as a seedling when we moved into the house. At the time we had two little boys that lived next door. One day they decided that it made a good target for swords, splitting the little seedling in half. But it was strong and ended up growing into the tree you see here. Over the course of landscaping the yard we ended up with a lot of rocks which we placed around the tree. This tree now has another story to tell of a little boy and a spray paint can. He wanted to spray paint a piece of wood because he was BORED. We gave him the piece of wood, a can and told him where to go. We said stay away from the pool, the shed, because we don't want you to get paint on them. Well....he did a good job not spraying the pool and the shed, but this is what we have now. : )
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