Carlos' 40th birthday is approaching quickly, it's officially the 21st of September. But for years I've heard Carlos say things about surprise birthday parties. Mostly why have them, I don't ever want one. So of course, that was all I needed to turn an already planned labor day picnic into a "Surprise Party". It was last minute, but it came together.
You know the "Murphy's Law" Theory, what can go wrong will. Well up until Sunday morning, I couldn't have asked for more, everything was falling into place perfectly. Until.....I was trying to get Carlos out of the house with his brother. As I was sitting in the kitchen talking to Tara & Jose, scheming our plan for the day. I hear Champ bang on the door.( I had forgotten he was outside, that was my first mistake). On a normal day I just open the door and in comes Champ, and on a normal day I cover the new "off-white" sofa and chair, just in case there was a mishap. Today I was going to uncover the sofa's and since we just closed up the sofa bed, I told Jose don't worry about covering it. (Second mistake).
As I opened the door to let Champ in, he came barreling in, faster than my brain registered that the area at the bottom of the steps was flooded with water, mud and mulch. I turned and screamed, but it was to late. Across the couch at least twice and around the house in a circle until Jose could catch him. Under normal circumstances I probably would have taken pictures, but I took one after the couch was half cleaned. Thank God for Tara, she cleaned the whole couch. But if there was any hope of Sammy having a Dog, it is long gone.
What had happened was, Champ likes the new welcome mat. He was playing with it. (tearing it apart). And then he goes a little wacky, running back and forth like a mad man. He bumped the faucet in the front of the house. Since Carlos was in the shower, I didn't recognize that the water was running. I think it took three days for the water to dry up. It was obviously running for quite awhile.
Even with the little setback in the morning, the day was a success. Carlos was surprised!

The dog helped the day start out great!

Everybody has to bring something to their party!

Inger put together a great picture display of Carlos. It was a hit, everyone loved it. - Thanks Inger!

Kira is always happy to have Chloe around. She's always surrounded by Boys!

It was a beautiful day to spend with family and friends.