Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Let's Get Ready To Wrestle!

I can honestly say there was a point in my life where I thought manual labor was fun. But I must be getting old and tired, after an exhausting weekend of finishing the garage, I could barely function this morning. But it's done! Almost...we have some minor things. Some enhancement painting on the wall as well as a "Gym Logo". I've yet to be told exactly what they wanted, but I know there has been a request put in. But the hard part is over. For those of you who know us, Family, Close Friends, Neighbors....the beginning pictures don't even come close to representing the mess we started with. So accomplishing the garage seemed like an almost unimaginable task. 

To fill you guys in, it probably took us three weeks to actually start. I think every time we made it to the garage with the intentions of starting, the task seemed very overwhelming, and the tension mounted. Carlos and I don't really ever fight....ok an occasional heated debate. But for whatever reason, the garage brought out the best in us. ; )

Our first step was to insulate the top of the garage. That was a task and a half. And talk about a dirty job, covered from head to toe. I only participated for a day and a half on that job, that was enough. Then on to cleaning house. We've been in this house for awhile and have our fair share of unused and uneeded items. OK JUNK! The trash guys, are glad the cleaning is finished. It was a lengthy process. We were moving in  a slow steady pace with the garage, until we received our Friday call that the mats were coming today! It was a whirlwind weekend of spakling, sanding, painting. My D&D coffee we purchased to help me make it through Friday night's spakling session, ended up on the driveway (thanks to Champ) and in his stomach. Let me tell you coffee effects dogs the same way it does people. RUSH RUSH RUSH.....CRASH! But in the end its finished, looks great and I think Carlos is still in amazement that it actually came to fruition. 

ON TO THE KITCHEN! YEAH...More manual labor. ; ) Yes we are doing that labor ourselves, three estimates at 27,000+ each, pushed me right into liking manual labor once again. We'll keep you posted, labor begins this weekend, warranted that I can get the rest of the house under control first.

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