Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The End of Summer Project

What kid doesn't dream of having the perfect "Tree House". Not the kind that mom and dad purchased from the Amish, transplanted in the suburbs. I'm talking good old fashioned "kid built" tree house. The summer was coming to a fast end, but the neighborhood kids took every minute to complete the tree house. We don't have any trees mature enough in our yard to handle a real tree house, but the boys are fortunate enough to have friends in the neighborhood that do. (I should say their grandparent do). There were a few days that from almost sun-up (or at least when they got out of bed) to sundown they worked on the treehouse. One day I think they forgot to eat lunch and inhaled their dinner, stating that they had a "hard days work". Oh to be a kid again. There were a few days that Jacob asked if he could build houses for a living. I'm thinking that the house is looking more like something I saw on the Bad News Bears or maybe even the shack that the Little Rascals had as their hideout. Needless to say I'm sure it will be a memory that they never forget.

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